My Personal Project

About my Personal Project.

A still life setup to me is like a miniature theatre, one in which you can experiment with shapes, textures and light in order to create something unique. This small theatre is a creative playground where anything is possible and with a little imagination any ordinary object can be used to bring a character and a story to life.
When I shoot still life with food I generally approach it with a playful spirit; I usually choose subject and setting following my instinct and mood, in this way everything comes together quite naturally. This project started just like that; a playful challenge in which I would shoot and publish a different picture on my blog every day, in order to put my skills and creativity to the test. However, It soon evolved into something much more challenging, after my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I had to take a step back from everything and dedicate most of my time to help my family. Photography, however, has always represented a happy place, where I could freely express myself and also take shelter, whenever I felt like it. This was true even during one of the worst times of my life, therefore I decided to continue the project, when possible, despite the circumstances. Unfortunately my father passed away in July 2015, just two months after being diagnosed. Following this painful time my project inevitably became more and more meaningful to me.I soon realised that my still life work wasn’t just about taking nice pictures of food, but was really a way to express my love for nature and life itself, while trying to look at ordinary things from a new perspective.
I am currently continuing the project, which I am sure will be subjected to changes, just like me, and eventually become a different project, and maybe a new start.

You can follow the development of this project, and other projects, on this blog, on my website and on my Facebook pages

Thank you! 🙂