Category Archives: Dairy-free

How To Poach An Egg

Poached eggs are truly a special dish with their lovely creamy texture and wonderful delicate flavour. The low-fat cooking method used to prepare these eggs can be a little difficult to get right at first, but after a few tries your poached eggs will be cooked to perfection!

how to poach an egg

A few things to keep in mind.
1. It is very important to use really fresh eggs.
2. You have to check the consistency of the egg after 3-5 minutes of cooking time in order to get a soft but cooked egg. Remember to keep an eye on the clock because it is quite easy to overcook the egg.
3. If you cook more than one egg at a time use a large pan filled with plenty of water and just drop 4-5 eggs in it (quite quickly) without stirring the water. Just remember to remove each egg with the slotted spoon in the same sequence in which you added them into the water, so that they cook evenly.
4. You can add a few drops of white wine vinegar to the simmering water before cooking the egg…. The vinegar will make the egg white a little firmer and this will help the cooking process, however this step is totally optional. I like the natural softness and flavour of the egg, therefore I tend not to use vinegar.


Poached eggs are great served with salmon, steamed vegetables, beans and toast. You can be really creative with this preparation and add a poached egg to a pizza, a baked potatoes, a creamy soup or a bruschetta!

I hope you enjoy this how-to recipe and have some fun with it! X

How to poach an egg.

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time 3-5 minutes

What you need.
1 egg
1 medium pan, filled with water
a slotted spoon
kitchen paper
a tablespoon
a ramekin
a pinch of sea salt
1. Simmer the water gently over a medium heat and add some sea salt crystals.
2. Carefully crack the egg into a ramekin.


3. Using a tablespoon, make a whirlpool in the water by stirring quite quickly for a few seconds.

4. Drop (with one quick movement) the egg into the center of the whirlpool. Now let the egg poach without stirring.


5. After a few minutes, check the consistency of the egg (it should be soft and with the egg white slightly firmer around the edges). When the egg is ready drain it with a slotted spoon. I usually place the egg and the slotted spoon on a strainer for a minute, in order to allow the excess water to drain completely.


6. Serve your poached eggs straight away.





Spaghetti With Raw Tomato ‘Sauce’ (Vegan/Dairy-free)


This wonderful ‘sauce’ is so easy to make, can be prepared in advance and is a delicious refreshing summer recipe! My mum makes this sauce using a smaller quantity of tomatoes (without draining the juice from the tomatoes) and lots of Parmesan cheese, but I personally prefer a healthier version of the recipe with lots of tomatoes and no cheese.

This raw tomato sauce contains anti-oxidants, lots of fibre and is low-fat….you’ll love it!!
You could also have this sauce on a bruschetta or serve it with meat, if you prefer.


Spaghetti with raw tomato sauce.

Serves 4


320 g spaghetti

350 g tomatoes

2 garlic gloves

a big bunch of fresh basil

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar (optional)

salt and pepper to taste

4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil


1. Wash the tomatoes and basil, then dry them using a kitchen towel.


2. Crush two garlic cloves (use a knife or a garlic press).

3. Chop the tomatoes into small pieces and let them drain for about 10-15 minutes.


4. Then mix the tomatoes with extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Place the sauce in the fridge for at least half an hour.



5. Cook the pasta al dente, following the instructions on the packaging, then drain.

6. Mix the pasta with the sauce and serve chilled.




Spaghetti con “salsa” di pomodoro crudo.


Per 4 persone

320 g di spaghetti

350 g di pomodori

2 spicchi d’aglio

un mazzetto grosso di basilico

2 cucchiai di aceto balsamico

olio extravergine d’oliva

sale e pepe


1. Lavate e asciugate i pomodori e il basilico.

2. Utilizzando un coltello, pressate e molto tagliate finemente due spicchi d’aglio.

3. Prendete i pomodori e tagliateli in pezzetti piccoli con il coltello, poi lasciate scolare per 10-15 minuti.

4. Mescolate i pomodori con 4 cucchiai d’ olio d’oliva, 2 cucchiai di aceto balsamico, il sale e il pepe. Mescolate ancora e mettete nel frigorifero almeno per 30 minuti.

5. Cuocete la pasta al dente e scolate.

6. Condite la pasta con il sugo e servite come piatto freddo.


Quick and Easy: Plum And Apple Smoothie

Lovely and sweet breakfast smoothie, high in fibre and full of energy!



Plum and apple breakfast smoothie.


2 smoothies

4 large plums

1 golden delicious apple

2 tablespoons rolled oats

1 tablespoon honey or agave syrup (optional)

2 tablespoons vegetable milk (almond, soy or rice milk)

2 ice cubes



1. Wash the fruit, then peel the apple and cut the fruit into large chunks.

2. Add 2 tablespoons of rolled oats, 1 tablespoon of honey (or agave syrup), two tablespoons of vegetable milk of your choice and two ice cubes. Blend everything until smooth.

3. Serve in two large glasses.



Breakfast smoothie con prugne e mele.


2 smoothies

4 prugne rosse grosse

1 mela golden

2 cucchiai di fiocchi d’avena integrali

1 cucchiaio di miele o sciroppo d’agave (facoltativo)

2 cucchiai di latte vegetale (latte di mandorla, di soia, oppure di riso)

2 cubetti di ghiaccio


1. Lavate bene la frutta e sbucciate la mela. Tagliate grossolanamente la frutta a pezzi e mettetela in un frullatore.

2. Aggiungete i fiocchi d’avena, il miele (o lo sciroppo d’agave), due cucchiai di latte vegetale e due cubetti di ghiaccio. Frullate fino ad ottenere un composto denso e cremoso.

3. Versate in due bicchieri grandi e servite.

Quick And Easy: Pear & Ginger Smoothie

Start the day with this tasty and delicious smoothie! Packed with nutrients and vitamins, this lovely drink is perfect for this time of year! 🙂

Enjoy! x




Pear and ginger smoothie.

For 2 smoothies

4 pears

1/2 a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger

4 tablespoons of non-dairy milk (almond, rice or soya milk)

the grated zest of half a lemon (organic)

a few crushed cardamom seeds

2 ice cubes


1. Wash and peel the pears, then place the fruit in a blender.


2. Add the ginger with the crushed seeds, the zest of half a lemon and two ice cubes.

3. Blend everything until smooth and serve in two large glasses with a couple of straws.

Have a wonderful weekend!




Pera e zenzero frullato.

2 smoothies

4 pere

1/2 cucchiaino di zenzero fresco, grattugiato

4 cucchiai di latte vegetale ( latte di mandorle, riso oppure soia)

la buccia grattugiata di mezzo limone, non trattato

alcuni semi schiacciati di cardamomo

2 cubetti di ghiaccio


1. Lavate e sbucciate le pere, poi mettete la frutta in un frullatore.

2. Aggiungete lo zenzero, la buccia grattugiata di mezzo limone e i semi di cardamomo con due cubetti di ghiaccio.

3. Frullate tutto fino ad ottenere un composto cremoso e servite in due bicchieri con le cannucce.

Frozen Watermelon And Strawberry Smoothie



A quick, refreshing and delicious drink! Simply perfect for the summer!

Enjoy! 🙂

Frozen watermelon and strawberry smoothie.


2 Servings

400 g watermelon sweet and ripe (remove the rind and pips and weight the watermelon)

300 g strawberries

a few leaves of fresh mint





1. Cut the watermelon into chunks and freeze for 3-4 hours.

2. Wash the strawberries, remove the leaves and place the fruit in a blender.


3. Add the frozen watermelon then blend with the strawberries and a few mint leaves. Blend until smooth.

4. Serve cold with a couple of straws.




You can add some agave syrup or honey for a sweeter flavour. You can also add a little greek yogurt if you prefer a creamier smoothie.

Smoothie molto freddo di anguria e fragole.


Per 2 porzioni

400 g di polpa di anguria dolce e matura (prima di pesare levate scorza e semi)

300 g di fragole

qualche foglia di menta fresca


1. Tagliate l’anguria a pezzi (di 5 cm circa) e congelate per almeno 3-4 ore.

2. Lavate le fragole, rimuovete le foglie e mettete la frutta in un frullatore.

3. Frullate bene l’anguria ghiacciata con le fragole e qualche foglia di menta.

4. Servite lo smoothie in due bicchieri grandi, con alcune cannucce.

È possibile aggiungere un po ‘di sciroppo d’agave o di miele, se si preferisce un sapore più dolce. Aggiungete un po’ di yogurt greco per una consistenza più cremosa.


Traditional Recipe : Vegetarian Bolognese Sauce (Sugo Finto)


I have to admit that since I stopped eating meat there are some traditional dishes that I really miss…Bolognese sauce is one of them! There is a very tasty vegetarian alternative though,  which is as good as the original Bolognese sauce with all the flavour of an old fashioned classic! This amazing sauce is called sugo finto ( fake sauce), an old traditional recipe made using minced vegetables instead of meat.  This sauce can easily replace the Bolognese sauce in many recipes such as cannelloni, lasagne or any other dish which requires a similar sauce.

The sugo finto is delicious and it has been on my family menu for generations! In fact, my mother remembers my grandfather’s aunty preparing the sauce for meatless family meals on Fridays.

The sugo finto is a must for vegetarians who love tasty traditional recipes!!!!

Try it and let me know what you think…


Vegetarian Bolognese sauce (sugo finto)


1 can of tomato passata (best quality)

1/2 an onion (medium size)

1 clove of garlic

1 carrot

2 stalks of celery

1 big bunch of fresh aromatic herbs (marjoram, thyme, rosemary, 2 bay leaves, oregano)

4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

4 tablespoons of tomato paste

1/2 a organic stock cube

a large glass of water



1. Finely chop the rosemary.


2. Cut the celery, carrot and garlic in small pieces, then place the vegetables with the herbs (without the bay leaves) in the mixer and blend for a few minutes. Now add the onion and blend once more.



3. Fry the vegetables with 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Add two bay leaves.


4. Add 4 tablespoons of tomato paste, then add the passata and stir.

5. During the cooking time add a large glass of water and mix well.

6. Cook and stir until you get a Bolognese sauce consistency.






Tip. The cooking time may vary between 30 or 50 minutes, depending on whether you want a slightly milder sauce or dense sauce with a stronger flavour.

Ragù vegetariano (sugo finto)


400 g di passata di pomodoro (di ottima qualità)

1/2 cipolla di media grandezza

1 spicchio d’aglio

1 carota

2 gambi di sedano

1 mazzetto bello grosso di erbe aromatiche fresche (maggiorana, timo, rosmarino, 2 foglie di alloro, origano)

4 cucchiai di olio extravergine d’oliva

4 cucchiai di concentrato di pomodoro

1/2 dado biologico di buona qualità

un bicchiere d’acqua


1. Tritate finemente il rosmarino.

2. Tagliare il sedano, la carota e l’aglio a pezzetti. Mettete quindi le verdure con le erbe (senza l’alloro) nel mixer e sminuzzate per qualche minuto. Aggiungete anche la cipolla e continuate a sminuzzare fino ad ottenere un tritato abbastanza fine.

3. Fate soffriggere le verdure sminuzzate con 4 cucchiai d’olio, per una decina di minuti. Aggiungete  anche due foglie intere di alloro.

4. Aggiungete 4 cucchiai di concentrato di pomodoro, poi unite la passata al concentrato e mescolate bene.

5. Durante la cottura annaffiate con un bicchiere d’acqua e mescolate di tanto in tanto.

6. Fate ritirare il liquido in eccesso e lasciate cuocere fino ad ottenere un sugo con la consistenza del ragù.

Nota. Il tempo di cottura può variare da 30 a 50 minuti, a seconda se desiderate un sugo più delicato oppure più denso e dal sapore un po’ più deciso.


Spelt Cake With Blackberries And Apples.


First of all I have to apologise for publishing fewer recipes than normal this month. Unfortunately, my photography project has taken up most of my time lately, as I am trying to build up my creative portfolio. I love writing recipes though, so I’ll try to publish a few more next month…. But I hope you enjoy the picture-a-day project as my as I do! In fact, I am having a lot of fun with it and I’ll continue publishing new photographs, if you like the idea.

Anyway, speaking of recipes, today I am publishing an old Foodfulife classic, slightly revisited! We are going to make my spelt apple cake (the one without butter and refined sugar) with some fresh blackberries and ground almonds. This recipe was requested by friend who wanted to add a different kind of fruit to the original recipe. At first, I gave it a go changing a few ingredients, but then I realised that the batter was just right as it was…So I left it pretty much the same, with the exception of two ingredients, but I also I had to adjust the quantity of the apples and milk to balance.
Of course, you can replace the blackberries with whichever fresh berries you like.

Tip. Toast the almonds in the over for a few minutes at 160° C /320° F, before using them. Toasted almonds will add flavour to the cake.


Spelt with blackberries and apple.


300 g golden apples (1 and half big apples, or 2 smaller apples)

100 g of blackberries (about 25 big ones)

100 g whole spelt flour

1 egg

80 ml almond milk

60 g of finely ground almonds

1 egg

3 tablespoons of organic sunflower oil

3 tablespoons of barley malt

3 tablespoons of honey

1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

1 pinch of cinnamon

the zest of an organic lemon

a pinch of salt


1. Wash the blackberries and let dry for a while.

2. In a bowl, mix the flour with the baking powder.

3. In a second bowl, mix the honey with the barley malt, then add the egg and mix well. Once you have a creamy mixture add the milk with the ground almonds and the lemon zest.

4. Mix the flour with the egg mixture. Add a pinch of cinnamon and a pinch of salt.


5. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into pieces. Add the apple chunks and the blackberries to the batter.


6. Line a cake tin with baking paper, then fill with the batter and bake at 180 ° C/356°F for 50 minutes (or maybe for a little longer, just keep an eye on the cake!). Here I used a 25 cm long x10 cm wide tin.






Torta di farro con more e mele.


300 g di mele golden (una mela grande, più mezza mela)

100 g di more (circa 25 grandi)

100 g di farina di farro integrale

1 uovo

80 ml di latte di mandorla

60 g di mandorle macinate finemente

1 uovo

3 cucchiai di olio di girasole biologico e spremuto a freddo

3 cucchiai di malto d’orzo

3 cucchiai di miele

1/2 cucchiaino di lievito in polvere

1 pizzico di cannella

la scorza di un limone biologico

un pizzico di sale


1. Lavate bene le more e lasciatele asciugare.

2. Mescolate la farina e il lievito in una terrina.

3. A parte, unite il miele al malto d’orzo, poi aggiungere l’uovo e mescolare bene.
Una volta ottenuto un composto cremoso, aggiungete il latte di mandorla, le mandorle tritate e la scorza di un limone.

4. Unite la farina al il composto cremoso, poi aggiungete un pizzico di cannella e di sale.

5. Sbucciate le mele, levate il centro con i semi e tagliate la polpa a pezzi. Unite i pezzi di mela e le more al composto.

6. Foderate una teglia con carta da forno (uso una teglia rettangolare lunga 25 cm e larga 10 cm), quindi riempite la teglia con l’impasto e infornate a 180 ° C per 50 minuti (magari anche un po’ più a lungo, tenete comunque d’occhio la torta durante la cottura).

Light Avocado And Garlic “Mayonnaise” (Vegan)


Avocado is a delicious highly nutritional food, full of good vegetable fat; it also contains some vegetable proteins, a high quantity of folic acid and a good quantity of vitamin E. Avocado is a healthy ingredient for your recipes but it contains lots of calories, therefore it’s better not to eat too large a quantity of it. I usually replace mayonnaise or butter with some avocado in various sandwiches…It goes really well with several kinds of fish and seafood, but it is also great with tomatoes, onions and green salads.


Today I am sharing a light “mayonnaise”, actually more a fake mayonnaise sauce or a kind of hummus, as it does not contain any oil or eggs but lots of avocado and lemon juice!

Wonderful with prawn, mackerel or egg sandwiches. It is also a great vegan sauce to use with lots of different vegetables…

Enjoy the recipe! X

Light avocado and garlic “mayonnaise”.

1 large avocado

1 clove of garlic

the juice of half a lemon

1 tablespoon of sesame seeds

a few crystals of sea salt (here I am actually using Himalayan salt)



1. With a small mortar crush a tablespoon of sesame seeds with a few crystals of sea salt.



2. Using a mixer, blend the pulp of an avocado with the crushed sesame seeds and a clove of garlic until smooth (remember to remove the core of the garlic clove).


3. Add the juice of a lemon and blend until you get a creamy mixture.







Maionese light di avocado (aromatizzata all’aglio).

1 avocado grande

1 spicchio d’aglio (togliete l’anima)

il succo di mezzo limone

1 cucchiaio di semi di sesamo

alcuni cristalli di sale marino ( qui in realtà uso sale rosa dell’ Himalaya)


1. Frantumate in un piccolo mortaio un cucchiaio di semi di sesamo con alcuni cristalli di sale marino (bastano pochi minuti).

2. Utilizzando un mixer, amalgamate bene la polpa di un avocado con i semi di sesamo schiacciati e uno spicchio d’aglio.

3. Aggiungere il succo di un limone e frullate fino ad ottenere un composto molto cremoso.

Light Mango And Strawberry Smoothie (No Milk Or Added Sugar)

Today’s smoothie is packed with antioxidants and it’s great if you, like me, need a little help to strengthen up and boost the immune system with natural vitamins and minerals, during the change of seasons. This is also a delicious and light breakfast smoothie, but it could be a tasty non-alcoholic drink to enjoy with friends if diluted with a little more orange juice.



Mango and strawberry smoothie.

Serves 2

1 ripe mango, peeled and cut into pieces

200 g strawberries, washed , cleaned and cut into halves

the juice of half an orange

the grated zest of an organic orange

a pinch of grated ginger

3 ice cubes


1. Blend all the ingredients together until smooth and creamy.


2. Serve in two big glasses with some straws.



If you like this recipe please support the blog by following foodfulife on facebook! Thank you so much!!! 🙂

Smoothie light con mango e fragole.

Per 2 persone

1 mango maturo, sbucciato e tagliato a pezzi

200 g di fragole lavate, pulite e tagliate a metà

il succo di mezza arancia, biologica

un pizzico di scorza grattugiata d’ arancia, biologica

un pizzico di zenzero grattugiato

3 cubetti di ghiaccio


1. Frullare tutti gli ingredienti insieme fino ad ottenere una bevanda cremosa.

2. Servire in due bicchieri grandi con alcune cannucce.


Quick And Easy: Strawberry And Banana Smoothie

Strawberry and banana smoothy in a glass jar on green napkin, on a wood board, frullato fragole e banana

This week’s healthy recipe is packed with fibre, vitamin C, B6, manganese, potassium and with the vegetable proteins of the oats and the soya milk….Today I am sharing a dairy-free smoothie recipe for a super healthy and delicious energy boosting drink filled with bananas and strawberries; perfect for breakfast or as a light lunch. No need to say that banana and strawberry are a match made in heaven… Enjoy! 😉

Strawberry and banana smoothy in a glass jar on green napkin, on a wood board, frullato di fragole e banana

Strawberry and banana smoothy in a glass jar on green napkin, on a wood board, frullato di fragole e banana

Strawberry and banana smoothy in a glass jar on green napkin, on a wood board, frullato di fragole e banana

Strawberry and banana smoothie


Serves 2

250 g strawberries, washed and cleaned

100 ml soya milk

2 bananas, cut into chunks

4 tablespoons of rolled oats

the grated zest of an organic lemon

1 tablespoon of honey (optional)

a few leaves of fresh mint (optional)

3 ice cubes

Strawberry and banana smoothy in a glass jar on green napkin, on a wood board, frullato di fragole e banana


1. Blend all the ingredients together until smooth.

Strawberry and banana smoothy in a glass jar on green napkin, on a wood board, frullato di fragole e banana

2. Serve in two large glasses or glass jars with two straws.

Strawberry and banana smoothy in a glass jar on green napkin, on a wood board, frullato di fragole e banana

Strawberry and banana smoothy in a glass jar on green napkin, on a wood board, frullato di fragole e banana

Smoothie con fragole e banane.


per 2 persone (due smoothie grandi)

250 g di fragole, lavate e pulite

100 ml di latte di soia

2 banane, tagliate a pezzi grandi

4 cucchiai di fiocchi d’avena

la scorza grattugiata di un limone, non trattato

1 cucchiaio di miele (facoltativo)

qualche foglia di menta fresca (facoltativo)

3 cubetti di ghiaccio


1. Frullate tutti gli ingredienti fino ad ottenere una consistenza cremosa.

2. Servite in due bicchieri grandi (oppure in due vasetti di vetro) con delle cannucce.