Mom’s Amazing Salted Cod Recipe

First of all, I shall introduce this recipe explaining that salted and dried cod (Baccalà and Stoccafisso) are both very popular in Genoa, where I live. We use them in many traditional dishes, although they are widely used in several countries, I know. Both these cod require some care in the process, but they are very healthy and versatile.

This weekend I had the great pleasure to try a lovely salted-cod recipe, prepared by my mother, who was extremely enthusiastic about it.  It is indeed a delicious dish, full of flavour but also quite delicate, despite the fact that salted cod usually has quite a strong and distinctive taste; so we decided to publish it on Foodfulife. I must admit, I am so excited to share one of my mom’s wonderful recipes with you this week!!!!!


1. Salted cod is cod preserved in salt. The salt used to preserve the fish should have been completely removed when you buy it, however, it’s better to check the fish. You can always remove the excess salt by soaking the cod in water overnight ( in the fridge), before preparing the recipe.

2. Use two large frying pans, wide enough to contains all the fish, which will be moved from one pan to the other during the cooking process. Always lay the fish skin-side down, to avoid breaking it.

3. If you wish, you can replace salted cod with swordfish and monkfish, all of these fish are well suited for this recipe.


Mom’ s Baccalà With Tasty Tomato Sauce

Preparation 10 minutes

Cooking 20 minutes


4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil for the sauce and extra oil (also use extra virgin olive oil) for frying the fish

1/2 medium size red onion, finally chopped

1 clove of garlic, finely crushed

1 tablespoon fresh chopped parsley

1 anchovy

800 g (28.2 oz) salted cod

1 tablespoon salted capers

5 pickled green olives

5 pickled black olives

1/2 tablespoon of tomato paste

2 cups Italian passata (Italian tomato puree in glass jars)

Flour for dusting

Salt and pepper to taste (salt only if necessary)


1. Fry the onion, parsley and anchovy in 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. When the onion is almost golden add the garlic. After a few minutes, add the capers and all the olives with tomato paste and the passata, stir well and lower the heat.


2. Separately, cut the salted cod into thick slices (leave the skin on) and remove the bones.


3. Flour the pieces of cod and then fry them in a large pan with plenty of extra virgin olive oil until golden.


4. Using a pair of kitchen tongs, place the fried fish in tomato sauce (prepared in step 1) and then cook for about 10 minutes. While cooking, season the top of the fish using a spoon (during this process do not flip the fish, to avoid breaking it).




5. Turn off the heat and season with salt and pepper (salt only if necessary). Cover with a lid, let it sit for a few minutes and then serve.


The cod was served with a huge salad and some amazing wholemeal bread, made with a lot of tasty seeds! Lovely!!!



I only wish I took better photographs for this recipe…But I didn’t have the proper equipment with me and It wasn’t easy to work with my mother cooking/complaining in the kitchen…Believe me!!!  🙂 When she cooks she gets really nervous! :-)))


Baccalà al sugo saporito della mamma.

Preparazione 10 minuti

Cottura 20 minuti


4 cucchiai di olio d’oliva per la salsa e extra olio (sempre olio extra vergine d’oliva) per friggere

1/2 cipolla rossa, tritata finemente

1 spicchio d’aglio tritato

1 cucchiaio di prezzemolo fresco tritato

1 acciuga sott’olio

800 g di baccalà

1 cucchiaio di capperi sotto sale

5 olive verdi

5 olive nere

1/2 cucchiaio di concentrato di pomodoro

1 bicchiere grande di passata di pomodoro

Farina q.b. per infarinare

Sale e pepe q. b. (sale solo se è necessario)


1. Fate soffriggere la cipolla, il prezzemolo e l’acciuga con 4 cucchiai d’olio extra vergine d’oliva. Poco dopo aggiungete anche l’aglio (giusto per non farlo bruciare). Dopo qualche minuto, unite al soffritto i capperi, tutte le olive, il concentrato di pomodoro e la passata. Mescolate bene il sugo e abbassate il fuoco.

2. A parte, tagliate il baccalà a tranci (con la pelle) e levate le lische.

3. Infarinate i pezzi di baccalà e fateli friggere in padella con abbondante olio extra vergine d’oliva. Lasciate dorare.

4. Usando delle pinze da cucina, mettete tutto il pesce nel sugo saporito al pomodoro che abbiamo preparato, appoggiandolo delicatamente dalla parte della pelle.  Fate cuocere ancora per qualche minuto, non girando il pesce per evitare di romperlo (condite aiutandovi con un cucchiaio).

5. Spegnete il fuoco e aggiungete il sale e il pepe (il sale solo se necessario). Lasciate riposare per qualche minuto e poi servite.

7 thoughts on “Mom’s Amazing Salted Cod Recipe

  1. Serena — these photos are amazing and so is the dish– looks like the “Bacalao” we had the years we lived in Spain! Love the tomato, the olives, the onion… Looks delicious!

    1. Hi Rhonda! We cal salted cod “Baccalà”, from “Baccalao”, while “Stoccafisso” is the word we use for dried cod, which sounds similar to “stockfish”.
      Thank you!!! My mother often prepares these really tasty base (soffritto) for several recipes….It makes everything taste really delicious!

  2. O mamma Serena… il baccalà!!! troppo troppo buono…. mi sa che domani chiamo la mamma in Italia e le dico di farlo, o forse meglio, di portarlo direttamente in aeroporto a giugno quando andrò in vacanza….

    1. :-)))) Guarda, ti capisco! Anche io ho vissuto tanto all’estero e va a finire che poi ci mancano tante cose…
      Come le ricette della mamma! 🙂 Forza e coraggio!!! 🙂

    1. You are very welcome, Linda! During this family meal we were joking, saying that even cardboard would taste delicious with this sauce! 🙂
      As I said to Rhonda, you can use this sauce as a base for many recipe, it’s super tasty!

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