Steamed Salmon with Rocket and Oranges.

This week we are going to prepare a light salad with salmon, oranges and rocket leaves. I love the way in which the buttery texture of salmon and the freshness of oranges work together, I think it’s a perfect match! There isn’t much I can say about it, you just have to try it!!! I added a few rocket leaves because the pungent and slightly bitter flavour of this lovely herb creates a pleasant contrast with the other ingredients, which balance the recipe nicely.

This dish is a real feel-good booster and is packed with health benefits! Salmon is considered an extremely healthy food due to the high content of protein, omega-3 fatty acid and B 6 and B 12 vitamins; while rocket not only contains plenty of vitamins but is also rich in iron… So, if you often have iron-deficiency problems like me, or you simply like healthy food (same as me, anyway!), you have plenty of reasons to enjoy this dish!

Steamed salmon with rocket, oranges and walnuts.

Preparation time: 15 minutes


for 2 servings

2 salmon steaks (250 g / 8.81 oz)

2 large oranges

50 g (1.76 oz) rocket (arugula), washed and cleaned

30 g (1.05 oz) walnuts, unshelled

extra virgin olive oil

salt and pepper to taste

Steamed salmon with rocket and oranges (front view, rocket or arugula with oranges)

Preparation method

1. Steam the salmon steaks for about 6-8 minutes.

Step 1. Steam the salmon for a few minutes.

2. With a sharp knife, peel the oranges, completely removing the white part. Then cut them into thin slices.

Step 2. Peel and cut the oranges .

3. Arrange the rocket leaves on the plate, place the slices of orange on top with the salmon in the middle.

Step 3. Arrange the rocket (or arugula),the oranges and the salmon on the plate.

Step 3. Arrange the rocket (or arugula),the oranges and the salmon on the plate.

4. Sprinkle the walnuts on the ingredients, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and season with some salt and plenty of black pepper.

Step 4. Sprinkle the walnuts, drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

Enjoy your meal!

 Steamed salmon with rocket and oranges (front view, close up)
Salmone con arance e rucola (cottura a vapore).

Preparazione: 15 minutes


per 2 persone

2 filetti di salmone (250 g)

2 arance grosse

50 g rucola, lavata e pulita

30 g di noci, senza guscio

olio extra vergine d’oliva

sale e pepe q b


1. Cuocete a vapore i due filetti di salmone per 6-8 minuti.

2. Con un coltello molto affilato, sbucciate due arance togliendo completamente anche la parte bianca.

3. Sistemate le foglie di rucola sulla base del piatto, ricoprite con le fette d’arancia e appoggiate al centro il filetto di salmone.

4. Distribuite le noci sopra gli ingredienti, condite con olio extra vergine d’oliva, un po’ di sale e pepe in abbondanza.

Buon appetito!

10 thoughts on “Steamed Salmon with Rocket and Oranges.

    1. Well, grilled salmon is very tasty. You could grill it instead of steaming it if you prefer. I steam a lot of food, because it’s an healthy cooking method…But there isn’t a lot of difference. You have to cook the fish just for a few minutes anyway, so you don’t loose many nutrients anyway.

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