Delicious Summer Veggie Kebabs

Since the hot weather has finally arrived, it’s time to dust off the barbecue and eat plenty of fresh vegetables and delicious summer fruits! This time of the year we can be really creative with the dishes! Today we are going to prepare some fresh and light summer veggie kebabs and then, we are going to a party! It’s time to participate in Fiesta Friday, a lovely blog event hosted by my friend and talented blogger Angie, from the Novice Gardener, and co-hosted by other wonderful bloggers. This week, Fiesta Friday #21 is co-hosted by  Elaine@Foodbod and Julianna@Foodie On Board.


This is a lovely light recipe, fresh and full of mediterranean flavours! It could be served as an aperitif, a side dish or a delicious light meal…You choose!


Tip. You can remove the the bell pepper skin after grilling the vegetables, if you wish.

I left it because it’s quicker.


Summer Veggie Kebabs.


4 servings

1 red bell pepper

1 yellow bell pepper

1 small aubergine

2 courgettes

green picked olives

1 small fresh goat’s cheese (150 g)


cherries tomatoes

8 wooden skewers

For the dressing

6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

2 crushed clove of garlic

some dried or fresh origano

2 small fresh chillies, cut into slices

salt and bleck pepper to taste




1. Wash the vegetables, cut them into thin slices and grill them on an electric grill or on a grill pan, previously greased with a little extra virgin olive oil.




2. Roll the zucchini with the goat’s cheese in the center. Roll the yellow pepper with the anchovies and the red pepper with the olives in the center.



3. In a small bowl, mix the extra virgin olive oil and some dried origano with crushed garlic and chillies, salt and pepper.

4. Pierce the stuffed vegetables with the wooden skewers and make 8 kebabs. Serve cold with some garlic-olive oil sauce on the side.






Spiedini saporiti di verdure.


Per 4 persone

1 peperone rosso

1 peperone giallo

1 melanzana

2 zucchine

olive verdi snocciolate

1 formaggio fresco di capra (150 g)

acciughe sott’olio

pomodorini ciliegia

8 stecchi di legno per gli spiedini

Per il condimento

6 cucchiai di olio extra vergine d’oliva

2 spicchi d’aglio (schiacciati e tagliati finemente)

un mazzetto di origano fresco o un cucchiaio di origano secco

2 peperoncini tagliati a fettine

sale e pepe q. b.


1. Lavate e tagliate le verdure a fette. Fate grigliare tutte  le verdure su una bistecchiera (o una piastra elettrica), spennellata con abbondante olio extra vergine d’oliva.

2. Arrotolate gli zucchini con un pezzetto di formaggio di capra e le melanzane con mezzo pomodorino al centro. Arrotolate anche il peperone rosso con le olive e il peperone giallo con le acciughe.

3. A parte, mescolate 6 cucchiai di olio extra vergine d’oliva con l’origano, l’aglio schiacciato, il peperoncino a fettine, il sale e il pepe.

4. Infilzate le verdure con gli stecchi e create gli spiedini alternando i sapori. Servite gli spiedini freddi con l’olio aromatizzato.

42 thoughts on “Delicious Summer Veggie Kebabs

  1. Serena, these veggie kebabs look delicious and I love how you really mixed up the veggies on each kebab. I agree, this is a lovely summer meal!

  2. MMMMM this looks GREAT, just in time for summer, like you said! I love how you added goat cheese to this, what a great idea- YUM! Thanks for sharing I’m inspired now to do some grilling!

  3. Oh my goodness, Serena! The sweet fragrance of your colourful kebabs on the grill have just rocketed me into summer! What a wonderful treat to bring to FF! I sure hope you brought more because they are dwindling quickly and I want to try one too! 😀

    1. Fae, thank you!!! The nice thing about it is that every bite has a different vegetable, stuffing and flavour.. I thought it would be quite fun and a nice dish to share! …Thank you so much for visiting and liking many of my posts! It was very kind of you 🙂

  4. Serena…this is fabulous! I love every last ingredient in this recipe, and I had all these plans for making a chicken pasta salad tonight, but I think you’ve just changed everything! I think I need to run to the store this morning to get what I need for these beautiful kebabs! And then I think that I will enjoy them as I sit out on my porch, sipping a glass of wine. Wonderful post… beautiful photos….delicious recipe!! ❤

    1. Hi Prudy! Thank you so much! I am so glad that you like my recipe! And with a nice glass of wine sounds even better!!! 🙂 I was just looking at all your wonderful sweet recipes and now I really feel like having a beautiful ice cream with a cherry on top! 🙂 I must go to the store! 🙂

    1. Rhonda, thank you so much! I am glad you like it! 🙂 I’ve just had a look at your latest posts…I really love your wonderful asparagus and lemon pasta! Such a great recipe!!!

  5. This is such a wonderful Summer Veggie Kebabs, light, healthy & colourful 🙂
    This is such a keeper; love it.
    Thank you for sharing, Serena 🙂

    1. Thank you for stopping by Pang! I have to say, I love both your blogs! There is a lot of beauty and wonderful works! I am glad you like my recipe 🙂

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