Tag Archives: fruit

Unpublished Works

I have been looking at my previous works, trying to understand where to go from here. I am currently doing some maintenance and backup work on my computer, also improving some editing. There are a few pictures from my unpublished works that I’d like to share with you. Comments are welcome, as always 🙂

DSC_5077 copy


DSC_6191 copy


Orange With Kitchen Knife


Lighting, reflections, texture and a touch of colour are usually enough elements to create an interesting composition. Often there is no need for complicated setups.


Camera Nikon D 800

ISO 100

Shutter speed 1/60 s

Aperture f/ 13

Your comments are very welcome!

Pomegranate With Picture Frame

Pomegranate with picture frame (black and white)

I suppose the first of a black and white series! 🙂
Here I am playing with dimensions, layers, depth of field, reality and illusion….all sort of things!
A little distortion and shift in the elements within the compositions, but I think these imperfections actually help with the sense of reality I wanted to achieve.

Please, leave a comment and let me now what you think….

Thank you so much for your great support!!!! ❤ XX


Camera Nikon D 800

ISO 100

Aperture f/ 13

Shutter speed 1/60s