Deliciously intense chocolate and chestnut biscuits.

 This week we are going to prepare these delicious wholemeal chocolate biscuits with chestnut flour, a real autumn treat!

The chestnut flour, naturally sweet, is rich in minerals and gluten-free , therefore it can be used to prepare various dishes for celiacs. For this recipe I used this particular flour for its natural sweetness and the rich nutty taste that, in my opinion, enhances the intense cocoa flavour perfectly.

Useful tip. Use a round shaped cookie cutter to make the biscuits and cut them quite thick, as this dough can crumble quite easily. These biscuits can also burn easily, so be careful when you cook them and keep an eye on them.

Wholemeal chocolate and chestnut biscuits.


for 20-25 biscuits

40 g ( 1.4 oz)  brown rice flour

60 g ( 2.1 oz) chestnut flour

80 g ( 2.8 oz) wholemeal flour

100 g (3.5 oz) softened butter

20 g ( 0.70 oz) cocoa powder

2 tablespoons and a half of honey

1 egg

1 teaspoon baking powder

a pinch of salt

brown sugar to garnish (use plenty, as the biscuits aren’t very sweet)


1. Beat the butter, the egg and honey until creamy.


2. Mix the flours with the cocoa and baking powder.


3. Combine all the ingredients and work the dough until smooth.


4. With a rolling pin (and your hands) roll out the dough to approximately 5-8 mm thickness.


5. Cut the biscuits into the desired shape, top with brown sugar, pressing them slightly with your hands.


6. Bake at 200 ° C ( 392 ° F) on a greased baking tray for 10-12 minutes. Depending on the thickness of the biscuits, the cooking time may vary.

Biscotti integrali al cacao con farina di castagne 
per 20-25 biscotti

40 g di farina di riso integrale

60 g di farina di castagne

80 g di farina integrale

1 uovo intero

2 cucchiai e mezzo di miele

100 g di burro morbido

20 g di cacao amaro

un pizzico di sale

1 cucchiaino di lievito per dolci in polvere

abbondante zucchero di canna per guarnire


1. Mescolate il burro con l’uovo e il miele.

2. A parte, mescolate le tre farine insieme al cacao e al lievito in polvere.

3. Unite tutti gli ingredienti e lavorate bene la pasta.

4. Con il matterello  stendete una sfoglia alta approssimativamente 5-8 mm.

5. Tagliate  i biscotti nella forma desiderata (meglio se rotonda) e guarnite con abbondante zucchero di canna.

6. Infornate a 200° C su una teglia grande imburrata (o con carta da forno) per 10-12 minuti.

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