Steamed Prawn and Bell Pepper Kebabs.

Today I am publishing my first recipe of the year, after taking a little break.
Bearing in mind that many of you will be on a diet, just like me, after a full-on Christmas feast, I decided to go for a light and delicate starter made with seafood and vegetables . Experimenting in my kitchen, not long ago, I discovered that the delicate flavours of yellow bell peppers and prawns complement each other very well, especially if steamed. This recipe is very healthy and the preparation is quick and easy, however it’s important to get the cooking time right, because if you overcook the ingredients the final result won’t be any good, as the bell peppers will become too soft and the prawns will turn out hard, dry and chewy. In order to avoid this follow carefully the instructions and you’ll have the most amazing prawn kebabs!
Tip. As a light meal, serve the prawn kebabs with steamed basmati rice.
Prawn and bell pepper kebabs.
for 4 people ( for 8 kebabs)
2 big yellow peppers (or 3 small peppers)
450 g prawn tails, to clean
a few leaves of fresh parsley
6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons of lime juice
salt and pepper to taste
1. Wash the peppers, remove the core, pith and seeds, then cut them into 2 halves.
2. Wash and peel the prawns. Using a knife, remove the hard parts and the dark vein on the back.
3. Steam the peppers for about 10-15 minutes (external side facing down).
4. Remove the peppers from the heat, peel the skin off using a knife and cut them into small pieces (about 4 cm).
5. Steam the prawns for about 3 minutes.
6. Insert the skewers, alternating pieces of pepper with prawns.
For the seasoning (lime citronette sauce).
1. In a small bowl, mix 6 spoons of extra virgin olive oil with the lime juice.
2. Chop a few parsley leaves finely.
3. Mix all the ingredients together with some salt and pepper.
4. Season the prawn kebabs and serve them warm with the sauce.
Spiedini di Gamberi e Peperoni (cottura a vapore).


per 4 persone (8 spiedini)

2 grandi peperoni gialli (o 3 piccoli)

450 g di code di gambero (da pulire)

alcune foglie di prezzemolo

6 cucchiai di olio extra vergine di oliva

3 cucchiai di succo di lime

sale e pepe q b

1. Lavate, pulite e tagliate i peperoni in due.

2. Pulite e sgusciate i gamberi, eliminando completamente la buccia e il budellino nero.

3. Fate cuocere i peperoni a vapore per 10-15 minuti (con la parte esterna verso il basso).

4. Togliete i peperoni dal fuoco, sbucciateli delicatamente e tagliateli a pezzetti rettangolari.

5. Fate cuocere a vapore i gamberi per 3 minuti.

6. Infilzate gli ingredienti con degli spiedini di legno, alternando dei pezzi di peperone ai gamberi.

Per la citronette di lime.

1. In una piccola ciotola, mischiate 6 cucchiai di olio extra vergine di oliva con 3 cucchiai di succo di lime.

2. Tritate qualche foglia di prezzemolo molto finemente.

3. Unite tutti gli ingredienti, aggiungendo anche un po’ di sale e pepe.

4. Condite bene gli spiedini di gamberi e serviteli tiepidi, accompagnandoli con il condimento.

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