Fresh Egg Pasta with Flour 00 (Step by Step)

This week we are going to prepare plain fresh egg pasta, using flour 00. This pasta can be used as a base for making a variety dishes, prepared with all sorts of creative stuffings and sauces, but we will see this in the next posts.

I generally tend to use more complex and heavier types of flour, because they are tastier and rich in nutrients. In some recipes , however, it’s better to use a finer and more delicate flour, in order to avoid covering the flavour of the other ingredients. For this recipe the Italian flour 00 is perfect for making pasta, because it is finer than normal flour, however, if you can’t find it use plain flour.



1. The ingredients listed are for 400 g of (uncooked) pasta, but if you need a different quantity, just bear in mind that for every 100g of flour you have to add an egg. For example, if you need 200 g of pasta just halve the ingredients (and use 2 small eggs).

2 . It is important to sift the flour before using it to avoid lumps or impurities (I don’t usually say this but you should always do it).

3. Here I am using a rolling pin, but if you are planning to make large quantities of fresh pasta I strongly advise you to get a pasta machine, to make things easier.


Fresh Egg Pasta (with flour 00)


for 400 g (14 oz) of pasta (approximately)

300 g (10.5 oz)  flour 00 (or plain flour)

3 eggs

salt to taste


a clean kitchen cloth

an airtight container

a long rolling pin

a wooden board (with a rough surface) or a table


1. Sift the flour with a sieve, add some salt, make a well and crack three eggs in the centre. With a fork, beat the eggs lightly, in order to mix the whites with the yolks. Still using a fork, combine the flour with the eggs starting from the outer edge, then continue mixing the ingredients with your fingers and begin to knead.





2. Knead until you get a smooth dough, then wrap in a clean cloth and place in an airtight container (or use cling film). Let stand for about an hour at room temperature (if you don’t have much time, 30 minutes is fine).




3. After an hour (or 30 minutes), take the dough and divide it into 3-4 pieces. Dust the working surface with some flour and, using a rolling pin, roll a very thin sheet of pasta. Repeat this process with the other pieces and cut the sheets as required by the recipe you are going to prepare.





You can make lasagne, ravioli, cannelloni and many varieties of pasta from these sheets. We will see how in the next few weeks. See also the post on spelt (farro) pasta for more ideas.

Pasta fresca all’uovo.


per circa 400g di pasta

300g di farina 00

3 uova

sale q.b.


uno panno pulito

un contenitore a chiusura ermetica

un matterello lungo

una spianatoia di legno (con superficie ruvida)


1. Setacciate la farina con un colino grande (oppure un setaccio) e disponetela a fontana con tre uova al centro. Con una forchetta sbattete leggermente le uova, in modo da mischiare il bianco al tuorlo. Sempre con una forchetta, unite la farina all’uovo partendo del bordo esterno, poi proseguite con le dita e incominciate ad impastare.

2. Lavorate bene l’impasto, poi avvolgetelo in un panno pulito e mettetelo in un contenitore con chiusura ermetica (potete anche utilizzare la pellicola). Lasciate riposare un’ oretta (oppure 30 minuti, se non avete molto tempo).

3. Prendete l’impasto, dividetelo in 3-4 pezzi e incominciate a stendere la pasta (infarinando bene le superfici), fino ad ottenere una sfoglia molto sottile. Ripetete l’operazione con gli altri pezzi e tagliate la pasta come richiede la ricetta che state preparando.

8 thoughts on “Fresh Egg Pasta with Flour 00 (Step by Step)

    1. Thank you so much, Lisa! I am glad you like it! :-))) I have been working on this post for a few days…There is a second part coming soon 🙂

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