Tag Archives: Fibres

Dark Chocolate Lava Cakes With A Kick! (Gluten-Free)


Decadent, hot and velvety creamy inside, this dessert is to die for!
It took me several days to get this recipe right! It is quite difficult to achieve the right consistency, when you make this kind of dessert without flour or caster sugar. However, the result it is simply superb!!

Yes, these wonderful lava cakes are gluten and refined sugar free (I added a little icing sugar on top, in order to take better pictures, but you don’t have to)… No one will know they are secretly healthy!

…But be careful, because the chocolate-chilli combination can be very addictive!


Dark chocolate lava cakes with a kick (gluten and refined sugar free)

Cooking time: 18-19 minutes

Preparation time: 25 minutes


for 4 small cakes (4 servings)

80 g dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids)

40 g almonds (with skin)

2 medium eggs, plus 1 yolk

1 pinch of salt

10 g unsweetened cocoa powder (plus a little more to dust the cake moulds)

80 g butter

100 g acacia honey (or the honey of your choice)

2 small dried chilli peppers (or a pinch of chilli powder)

icing sugar to decorate (optional, don’t use it if you don’t want refined sugar in the cakes)

4 small disposable aluminium cake moulds


1. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie. When the chocolate is completely melted, add the butter, let it melt and mix well; then remove from the heat.


2. Lightly toast the almonds in the oven at 170° C / 338° F (just for a few minutes). Let cool, then, using a food processor, grind the almonds with the cocoa powder and the dried chillies.

3. Separately, beat the eggs with honey with an electric beater, until the mixture is soft and fluffy.


4. Incorporate the melted chocolate and butter with egg mixture. Beat for a few more minutes, then add the cocoa with the ground almonds and chillies.


5. Grease 4 small cake moulds with butter, then dust with a little cocoa powder.



6. Bake at 160 ° C/ 320° F for 18-19 minutes.


7. Garnish with icing sugar (optional) and serve hot.




Note. The cakes should be cooked on the outside and slightly soft in the centre, make sure you don’t overcook them…One more minute can make a huge difference!

Tortini con cuore fondente al peperoncino (senza glutine)

80 g di cioccolato fondente al 70 %

40 g di mandorle (con la buccia)

2 uova medie, più un tuorlo

1 pizzico di sale

10 g di cacao amaro

80 g di burro

100 g di miele di acacia (oppure il miele che preferite)

due peperoncini secchi (oppure un po’ di peperoncino in polvere)

zucchero a velo per decorare (facoltativo, non usatelo se non volete lo zucchero nella ricetta)

4 stampini di alluminio (usa e getta)


1. Fate sciogliere il cioccolato a bagnomaria. Quando il cioccolato sarà completamente sciolto, aggiungete il burro e mescolate bene.

2. Tostate leggermente le mandorle nel forno caldo per qualche minuti. Lasciate raffreddare, poi tritate molto finemente insieme al cacao e i peperoncini con un tritatutto (fate qualche pausa per non riscaldare troppo le lame).

3. A parte, sbattete le uova con il miele, fino ad ottenere un composto soffice e spumoso.

4.  Incorporate il burro e il cioccolato sciolto alle uova. Sbattete ancora per qualche minuto, poi aggiungete il cacao con la farina di mandorle e il peperoncino. Mescolate bene.

5. Imburrate gli stampini in alluminio e ricoprite con una spolverata di cacao amaro.

6. Infornate a 160° C per 18-19 minuti (non di più perché i tortini rischiano di solidificarsi troppo, mentre al centro devono restare cremosi).

7. Decorate con zucchero a velo (facoltativo) e servite i tortini caldi.


Crunchy and Colourful Salad (Low-fat And Packed With Vitamin C!!)

Spring is here and with it comes the time of serious dieting! From this week on I want to dedicate a little time to preparing light recipes and meals.
To start with, I prepared a beautiful and super-healthy salad with only a little amount of calories, but full of crunchy flavours!


This salad can definitely be a very satisfying low-cal lunch, low in fat and carb, but rich in fibres, potassium, protein and vitamin C.
As a side dish, it goes well with several courses and you can serve it with feta cheese, if you prefer a richer kind of salad.
If I were to imagine this salad as a dress, it would be a feel-good garment made ​​of a strong natural fibre, with a very cheerful but elegant floral pattern. Suitable for mid-season, with a comfortable slimming line. Definitely a perfect fit!… I know, It’s just a salad! 🙂

Corn salad with red cabbage, fava beans and apples.


Preparation: 15 minutes

For 2 servings

60 g (2 oz) corn salad (or lamb’s lettuce)

a handful of almonds, shelled

50 g (1.76 oz) fresh fava beans (with the pods removed)

2 small apples, washed

130 g (4.58 oz) red cabbage

the juice of 1/2 a lemon

salt and pepper to taste

4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to taste



1. Wash, and clean and dry the corn salad.

2. Wash, and slice the cabbage finely and arrange it on the plates.

3. Place the fava beans over the cabbage, then add the salad leaves.


4. Cut and marinate the apples in the juice of half a lemon for a few minutes. Then, mix the apples and the almonds with the salad (breaking some almonds into pieces).




5. Season with plenty of extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.



Insalata croccante con cavolo rosso, fave e valerianella.


Per 2 persone

Preparazione:15 minuti

60 g di valerianella

una manciata di mandorle sgusciate

50 g di fave fresche, senza scorza

2 mele, lavate

130 g di cavolo rosso

il succo di mezzo limone

sale e pepe q.b.

4 cucchiai di olio extravergine d’oliva q.b.


1. Lavate e asciugate la valerianella.

2. Lavate il cavolo e tagliatelo finemente. Sistematelo sul fondo dei piatti.

3. Aggiungete le fave, posizionatele sopra il cavolo con la valerianella.

4. Aggiungete le mandorle (sbriciolandone solo alcune) con le mele tagliate a pezzetti e precedentemente marinate nel succo di mezzo limone per qualche minuto.

5. Condite con abbondante olio extra vergine d’oliva, sale e pepe.