Tag Archives: Fava beans

A Picture A Day: May 13, 2015


Fava bean on blue painted wood.

Tomorrow I’ll try a completely different composition and lighting…Let’s see how it  goes! 😉

If you like this series of photographs please support the blog by following foodfulife on facebook! Thank you so much!!! XX

A Picture A Day: May 8, 2015


Fava beans! Continuing with a-picture-a-day project. As soon as I can I’ll be publishing a new recipe….Thank you so much for your support and patience!!! 😉

If you like this series of photographs please support the blog by following foodfulife on facebook! Thank you so much!!! 🙂

Crunchy and Colourful Salad (Low-fat And Packed With Vitamin C!!)

Spring is here and with it comes the time of serious dieting! From this week on I want to dedicate a little time to preparing light recipes and meals.
To start with, I prepared a beautiful and super-healthy salad with only a little amount of calories, but full of crunchy flavours!


This salad can definitely be a very satisfying low-cal lunch, low in fat and carb, but rich in fibres, potassium, protein and vitamin C.
As a side dish, it goes well with several courses and you can serve it with feta cheese, if you prefer a richer kind of salad.
If I were to imagine this salad as a dress, it would be a feel-good garment made ​​of a strong natural fibre, with a very cheerful but elegant floral pattern. Suitable for mid-season, with a comfortable slimming line. Definitely a perfect fit!… I know, It’s just a salad! 🙂

Corn salad with red cabbage, fava beans and apples.


Preparation: 15 minutes

For 2 servings

60 g (2 oz) corn salad (or lamb’s lettuce)

a handful of almonds, shelled

50 g (1.76 oz) fresh fava beans (with the pods removed)

2 small apples, washed

130 g (4.58 oz) red cabbage

the juice of 1/2 a lemon

salt and pepper to taste

4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to taste



1. Wash, and clean and dry the corn salad.

2. Wash, and slice the cabbage finely and arrange it on the plates.

3. Place the fava beans over the cabbage, then add the salad leaves.


4. Cut and marinate the apples in the juice of half a lemon for a few minutes. Then, mix the apples and the almonds with the salad (breaking some almonds into pieces).




5. Season with plenty of extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.



Insalata croccante con cavolo rosso, fave e valerianella.


Per 2 persone

Preparazione:15 minuti

60 g di valerianella

una manciata di mandorle sgusciate

50 g di fave fresche, senza scorza

2 mele, lavate

130 g di cavolo rosso

il succo di mezzo limone

sale e pepe q.b.

4 cucchiai di olio extravergine d’oliva q.b.


1. Lavate e asciugate la valerianella.

2. Lavate il cavolo e tagliatelo finemente. Sistematelo sul fondo dei piatti.

3. Aggiungete le fave, posizionatele sopra il cavolo con la valerianella.

4. Aggiungete le mandorle (sbriciolandone solo alcune) con le mele tagliate a pezzetti e precedentemente marinate nel succo di mezzo limone per qualche minuto.

5. Condite con abbondante olio extra vergine d’oliva, sale e pepe.

My Favourite Oven-Baked Falafels.

Oven-baked broad bean falafel (front view 1 with yellow cloth)

Falafel is delicious middle eastern food, usually prepared with dried chickpeas or dried broad beans (fava beans). Broad bean falafel is a traditional egyptian recipe. Being rich in vegetable protein, this food is an excellent alternative to meatballs in vegetarian diet. In this recipe, I changed a few steps in order to get a little lighter dish. Falafels can be served with a yogurt and cucumber sauce, or with fresh tomato salad.

Oven-cooked broad bean falafel (raw on a plate, front view) 

Oven-cooked broad bean falafels.


Serves 2-4  (16 falafel)

preparation: 20 minutes + 12 hours to soak the beans in water + 30 minutes (minimum) refrigeration

cooking time: 30 minutes

150 g (5.2 oz) dried broad beans

1 large onion

1 clove of garlic

2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

1 teaspoon cumin seeds (ground)

1 teaspoon coriander seeds (ground)

1 tablespoon sesame seeds (ground)

1 tablespoon wholemeal flour (or plain flour)

1 teaspoon baking powder or baking soda

3 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon salt (maybe a little less)

pepper to taste


1. Let the beans soak in a bowl overnight (12 hours, at least).. Lay a kitchen towel on a table and rub the broad beans to dry them up.

Step 1. Soak the beans, then dry them with a towel.

2. Put the beans in a food processor and chop finely with the onion, garlic and parsley. Add the seeds (already finely ground), flour , salt , pepper and baking powder. Mix well.

Step 2. Chop the beans with garlic, the onions and all the other ingredients.

Step 2. Chop the beans with garlic, the onions and all the other ingredients.

3. Place the mixture to cool for 30 minutes in the refrigerator (sometimes I leave it in the fridge for hours, I think my falafels taste even better afterwards). Form small balls with the mixture.

Step 3. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes, then shape small balls.

4. In a frying pan, heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil, then fry the balls until they are golden on all sides. Place all the falafels in a greased baking tray and cook in the oven at 170 ° C (338° F) for about 20 minutes. Serve while still warm.

Step 4. fry the falafel until golden, then bake for 20 minutes.

Falafel di fave cotti al forno.


2-4 persone (16 falafel)

Preparazione: 20 minuti + 12 ore per fare ammorbidire le fave in acqua + 30 minuti (minimo) per far riposare l’impasto nel frigo.

Cottura: 30 minuti

150 g di fave secche

1 cipolla grande

1 spicchio d’aglio

2 cucchiai di prezzemolo fresco tritato

1 cucchiaino di semi di cumino tritati

1 cucchiaino di semi di coriandolo tritati

1 cucchiaio di semi di sesamo tritati

1 cucchiaio di farina integrale (o farina normale)

3 cucchiai di olio extravergine d’oliva

1 cucchiaino di lievito in polvere o bicarbonato per uso alimentare

1  cucchiaino scarso di sale e pepe q. b.


1. Lasciate le fave a bagno in una ciotola per tutta la notte. Stendete un panno sul tavolo e asciugate le fave strofinandole bene. 

2. Mettete i legumi in un tritatutto e tritateli molto finemente con la cipolla, l’aglio e il prezzemolo. Aggiungete i semi ( già finemente tritati), la farina, il sale , il pepe e il lievito in polvere (o bicarbonato). Mescolate bene tutto.

3. Lasciate riposare l’impasto per almeno 30 minuti nel frigorifero ( lasciandolo riposare più a lungo, ho dei risultati anche migliori). Con l’impasto ottenuto, formate tante polpette di piccole dimensioni.

4. In una padella scaldate 3 cucchiai di olio extravergine d’oliva, poi fate soffriggere le polpette facendole dorare su tutti i lati. Quando le polpette saranno completamente dorate, mettetele in una teglia leggermente unta e fatele cuocere a 170° per 20 minuti. Servite i falafel quando sono ancora caldi.