Tag Archives: Low carb

Traditional Recipe: Baked Peppers Au Gratin

A great dish to serve if you have a large number of guests to feed, because it is so easy to prepare and cook. Baked Peppers Au Gratin are a wonderful appetiser and side, served with meat or seafood, but you can have them as a vegetarian meal, with a nice salad. You can prepare a gluten-free version of this Italian traditional dish using instant polenta, instead of bread crumbs. You can also make a vegan version without the cheese.


Serve Peppers Au Gratin hot or cold, they are delicious either way! But in the summer I prefer this dish cold, straight from the fridge, because the peppers need some time to absorb all the different flavours.

This is the right season to eat fresh bell peppers and there are plenty of choices when it comes to great traditional recipes with this wonderful ingredient.
Here are some other recipes using bell peppers that I have published recently on Foodfulife:

La peperonata

Roasted Bell Peppers with Garlic Vinaigrette


Baked Peppers Au Gratin.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 40 minutes

6 servings



3 large bell peppers (red and yellow)

6 tablespoons breadcrumbs

80 g freshly grated Parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon of fresh parsley, finally chopped

1/2 a tablespoon of dried oregano

2-3 cloves of garlic, crushed and finally chopped

salt and pepper to taste

extra virgin olive oil



1. In a small bowl, mix the herbs with the breadcrumbs, the grated cheese, the garlic and season with some salt and pepper.


2. Wash and dry the bell peppers.



3. Using a knife, cut the peppers in half and remove the stem, the seeds and the white parts.


4. Place the peppers onto an oven tray, previously greased with a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. With a spoon, spread the breadcrumb mixture evenly onto the peppers.


5. Bake in the oven at 200°C (392° F) , until the peppers are tender and the breadcrumb mixture becomes very crunchy.




Peperoni Gratinati Al Forno.

Tempo di preparazione: 10 minuti

Tempo di cottura: 40 minuti

6 persone



3 peperoni grandi (rosso e giallo)

6 cucchiai di pangrattato

80 g di Parmigiano Reggiano, grattugiato fresco

1 cucchiaio di prezzemolo fresco, tritato finemente

1/2 cucchiaio di origano secco

2-3 spicchi d’aglio, schiacciato e tritato finemente

sale e pepe

olio extra vergine di oliva


1. In una terrina, mescolate il pan grattato con l’aglio, l’origano, il prezzemolo, il parmigiano e un pò di sale e pepe.

2. Lavate e asciugate bene i peperoni.

3. Con un coltello, tagliate e rimuovete la calotta superiore del peperone. Tagliate a metà gli ortaggi e rimuovete la parte interna, con i filamenti e i semi.

4. Disponete i peperoni sopra una teglia, unta con un filo d’olio. Riempite i peperoni con il composto di pangrattato e sapori, ma senza esagerare.

5. Condite con un po’ d’olio e infornate a 200° C. Quando i peperoni saranno morbidi e il ripieno croccante spegnete il fuoco.

Salmon with lime and balsamic vinaigrette

I must admit, I came across the salmon-balsamic vinegar combination totally by accident. I was trying out a new dish that went horribly wrong, when I dropped some balsamic vinegar on a piece of salmon by mistake…Yes, in my kitchen these kind of things can happen! 🙂


Anyway, I loved it! So I changed the recipe completely and I made a light balsamic vinaigrette as a salmon dressing. I know it is not a new combination, but it was the first time for me.
I love the way in which the balsamic vinegar aroma enhances the natural sweetness of salmon without covering its delicate flavour. The aniseed-tinged wild fennel leaves add a note of distinctive freshness to the recipe. If you can’t find wild fennel, you can use normal fennel leaves, they are probably a little bit easier to get and very similar in taste.


Salmon with lime and balsamic vinaigrette.

Preparation: 15 minutes


For 2 servings

2 salmon steaks

1 lime

a few sprigs of fresh wild fennel, washed

6 radishes, washed

a stalk of celery, washed

for the balsamic vinaigrette

2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar

a few drops of lime juice

Black pepper and salt to taste





1. Wash and cut a lime into thin slices, then put a few slices on top of the salmon, with a sprig of wild fennel.


2. Steam the salmon steaks for 8-10 minutes.

3. Place the salmon steaks on the plates, garnish with a few radishes and the celery, both finely sliced. Then, add some wild fennel leaves (roughly chopped).


For the vinaigrette.

1. Mix 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil with 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, a few drops of lime juice, salt and pepper to taste.


2. Serve with the vinaigrette on the side.



Salmone con lime e aceto balsamico vinaigrette.

Preparation: 15 minutes


Per due persone

2 tranci di salmone

1 lime intero

6 ravanelli, lavati

un gambo di sedano, lavato

qualche rametto di finocchio selvatico, lavato

Per la vinaigrette di aceto balsamico

2 cucchiai di olio extra vergine d’oliva

2 cucchiai di aceto balsamico

qualche goccia di succo di lime

Pepe e sale q.b.


1. Lavate e tagliate un lime a fette molto sottili. Mettete le fette di lime sul salmone, con qualche rametto di finocchio selvatico.

2. Fate cuocere a vapore i tranci di salmone per 8-10 minuti.

3. Disponete il salmone sui piatti, guarnite ogni piatto con tre ravanelli tagliati a fette molto sottili e con un gambo di sedano tagliato alla julienne.

Per la vinaigrette.

1. Mescolate 2 cucchiai di olio extravergine d’oliva con 2 cucchiai di aceto balsamico, qualche goccia di succo di lime, sale e pepe.

2. Servite il salmone con il condimento a parte.



Crunchy and Colourful Salad (Low-fat And Packed With Vitamin C!!)

Spring is here and with it comes the time of serious dieting! From this week on I want to dedicate a little time to preparing light recipes and meals.
To start with, I prepared a beautiful and super-healthy salad with only a little amount of calories, but full of crunchy flavours!


This salad can definitely be a very satisfying low-cal lunch, low in fat and carb, but rich in fibres, potassium, protein and vitamin C.
As a side dish, it goes well with several courses and you can serve it with feta cheese, if you prefer a richer kind of salad.
If I were to imagine this salad as a dress, it would be a feel-good garment made ​​of a strong natural fibre, with a very cheerful but elegant floral pattern. Suitable for mid-season, with a comfortable slimming line. Definitely a perfect fit!… I know, It’s just a salad! 🙂

Corn salad with red cabbage, fava beans and apples.


Preparation: 15 minutes

For 2 servings

60 g (2 oz) corn salad (or lamb’s lettuce)

a handful of almonds, shelled

50 g (1.76 oz) fresh fava beans (with the pods removed)

2 small apples, washed

130 g (4.58 oz) red cabbage

the juice of 1/2 a lemon

salt and pepper to taste

4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to taste



1. Wash, and clean and dry the corn salad.

2. Wash, and slice the cabbage finely and arrange it on the plates.

3. Place the fava beans over the cabbage, then add the salad leaves.


4. Cut and marinate the apples in the juice of half a lemon for a few minutes. Then, mix the apples and the almonds with the salad (breaking some almonds into pieces).




5. Season with plenty of extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.



Insalata croccante con cavolo rosso, fave e valerianella.


Per 2 persone

Preparazione:15 minuti

60 g di valerianella

una manciata di mandorle sgusciate

50 g di fave fresche, senza scorza

2 mele, lavate

130 g di cavolo rosso

il succo di mezzo limone

sale e pepe q.b.

4 cucchiai di olio extravergine d’oliva q.b.


1. Lavate e asciugate la valerianella.

2. Lavate il cavolo e tagliatelo finemente. Sistematelo sul fondo dei piatti.

3. Aggiungete le fave, posizionatele sopra il cavolo con la valerianella.

4. Aggiungete le mandorle (sbriciolandone solo alcune) con le mele tagliate a pezzetti e precedentemente marinate nel succo di mezzo limone per qualche minuto.

5. Condite con abbondante olio extra vergine d’oliva, sale e pepe.

Rich Chocolate Tart with Fresh Raspberries…Yes, but it’s different!

Vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, egg-free, with only a little refined sugar and absolutely delicious!!!!

I must admit I was a little bit sceptical about vegan desserts, I thought that without dairy products, desserts would just taste dull! So I decided to give it a try and make this vegan chocolate tart, because I usually like to try things before I make a judgement, especially when I am talking about recipes. I am glad to say that I was wrong! I might even dedicate an entire post to the lovely vegan chocolate ganache that I’ve made for this recipe, because I think it deserves a little place on its own in this blog and a few more words given over to it.

So, today we are going to prepare a delicious mini chocolate tart with a lot of fresh raspberries on top! As a filling, I made a rich dark chocolate ganache. Usually, the chocolate ganache is prepared with heavy whipping cream or butter, I used rice milk instead and I thickened the sauce with a little cornstarch. The result is a velvety smooth chocolate filling that contains little refined sugar and is dairy-free.

This is an amazing vegan dessert that everyone can enjoy!



Rich Chocolate Tart with Fresh Raspberries


For the pastry

2-3 servings. 

50 g (1.7 oz) skinless almonds (or hazelnuts, if you prefer)

60 g (2 oz) dark chocolate (organic, with 70% cocoa solids)

60 g (2 oz) rice flour

30 g (1 oz) of potato starch

1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

2 tablespoons of sunflower oil

1 tablespoon of agave syrup (or 1 tablespoon of honey, if you are not on a vegan diet)

a pinch of salt

For the dark chocolate ganache 

60 g (2 oz) of dark chocolate (organic, 70 % cocoa)

100 ml (3.38 fl oz US, 0.175 pt UK) rice milk (replace with soya or almond milk, if you prefer)

1 tablespoon of agave syrup (or 2 tablespoon of honey, if you are not on a vegan diet)

1/2 a tablespoon of cornstarch

To garnish

100 g (3.5 oz) raspberries, fresh and washed

a few chocolate chips



For the pastry. 

Preparation: 20 minutes

Cooking: 15 minutes

1. In a double boiler (bain-marie), melt 60 g (2 oz) of dark chocolate.


2. Finely grind the almonds using a food processor, until you get a fine paste.


3. In a small bowl, sift the flour and the potato starch using a fine strainer. Then, mix in the melted chocolate, the almond paste, 1/2 a teaspoon of baking powder, a pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and 1 tablespoon of agave syrup (or 1 tablespoon of honey).


4. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.


5. Lightly grease the base of a small cake pan (15-17 cm or 6 – 7 inches of diameter) and bake at 170 ° C (338° F) for about 15 minutes.


For the chocolate ganache.

Preparation: 20 minutes

1. In a double boiler (or bain-marie), melt 60 g (2 oz) of dark chocolate.

2. In a small pan, heat 100 ml (3.38 fl oz US) of rice milk and add it (gradually and stirring) to the melted chocolate (both must be warm).


3. In another pan, mix 1/2 a tablespoon of cornstarch with 1 tablespoon of the chocolate mixture and stir well. Gradually add the rest of the chocolate mixture, then cook over a low heat and stir until the chocolate ganache has thickened (it will take only a few minutes).


4. Turn off the heat, add 1 tablespoon of agave syrup (or 2 tablespoon of honey) and mix well. Let cool.


To garnish.

Refrigeration: 30 minutes

1. Pour the chocolate ganache into the base of the tart, then put the cake in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.


2. Garnish with plenty of raspberries and some chocolate chips.





 Crostata di lamponi con ganache di cioccolato fondente.


Per la base.

2-3 porzioni.

50 g di mandorle, senza pelle (oppure nocciole, se preferite)

60 g di farina di riso

30 g di fecola di patate

60 g di cioccolato fondente bio ( con 70% di cacao)

1/2 cucchiaino di lievito per torte

2 cucchiai di olio di semi di girasole

1 cucchiaio di sciroppo d’agave (oppure 1 cucchiaio di miele bio, se non seguite una dieta vegana)

un pizzico di sale

Per la ganache al cioccolato fondente

100 ml di latte di riso (oppure latte di mandorle, soia o latte normale)

1 cucchiaio di sciroppo d’agave (oppure 2 cucchiai di miele bio, se non seguite una dieta vegana)

60 g di cioccolato fondente bio (con 70% di cacao)

1/2 cucchiaio di amido di mais

Per guarnire

100 g di lamponi (freschi e ben lavati)

un po’ di scaglie di cioccolato per decorare


Per la base.

1. Fate sciogliere 60 g di cioccolato fondente a bagnomaria.

2. Tritate molto finemente le mandorle usando un tritatutto.

3. In una terrina, setacciate la farina e la fecola di patate usando un colino molto fine. Aggiungete il cioccolato sciolto, la pasta di mandorle, il lievito per dolci, un pizzico di sale, due cucchiai d’olio di semi di girasole e 1 cucchiaio di sciroppo d’agave (oppure 1 cucchiaio di miele).

4. Impastate bene e mettete in frigo per 15 minuti.

5. Ungete leggermente la base di una piccola teglia (15-16 cm di diametro) e infornate a 170° per 15 minuti.

Per la ganache al cioccolato.

1. Fate sciogliere 60 g di cioccolato fondente a bagnomaria.

2. Scaldate 100 ml di latte di riso in un pentolino e unitelo al cioccolato ancora caldo, mescolando bene.

3. In un altro pentolino, unite una piccola quantità di latte di riso al cioccolato con mezzo cucchiaio di amido di mais (mescolando energicamente). In modo molto graduale, aggiungete tutto il latte al cioccolato, poi fate rassodare la ganache sul fuoco a fiamma bassa, per qualche minuto (continuando a mescolare).

4. Spegnete il fuoco e aggiungete 1 cucchiaio di sciroppo d’agave (oppure 2 cucchiai di miele). Mescolate ancora, poi lasciate raffreddare.

 Per guarnire.

1. Versate la crema sulla base della crostata e mettete in frigorifero per 30 minuti.

2. Guarnite con un doppio strato di lamponi e scaglie di cioccolato.